Size was everything (Isn’t it always) and the bigger the cock you sucked or the higher number you drained the more masculine you were which would be welcome news to the likes of Logan Moore.Įvery drop had to be swallowed and this was no joke as if you did not swallow you were executed….maybe you need to read that again, swallow a couple of dozen loads you are a big man, a hero but spit or spill even a small drop and its the executioners blade. This is now a policy that has been adopted in the Alphatribe offices and will be mandatory at both Darklands and CLAW from 2021 onwards….you spit you get ejected from the dark room.
We have written before in AT about the Top 10 best sources of natural protein which of course is the substance that all bodybuilders, porn stars and sportsmen take daily in shakes, smoothies or as part of their largely chicken, meat and fish diets.